Die „World of Hyatt“, das Kundenbindungsprogramm der Hyatt Hotels, ist schon ein absolut großartiges Programm. Für mich derzeit das Beste Hotelprogramm auf dem Markt. Doch auch nicht ganz einfach zu erreichen. Die interessanten Status, also den Explorist und den Globalist erreicht Ihr normalerweise bei 30 oder 60 Nächten pro Jahr. Selbst wer geschäftlich reist, für den sind die 60 Nächte schon eher sportlich.
Früher war es etwas einfacher, denn da ging es auch mit 25 Stays. Doch auch heute gibt es eine einfachere Lösung, den Fasttrack. Aktuell bietet Hyatt Euch einen schnellen Weg zum Status. Auch bestehende Mitglieder mit einem Explorist Status können den Fasttrack zum Globalist nutzen.
Hyatt Fast Track – die Details
Mit der Promo „Try Explorist Status“ bekommt Ihr den Status zunächst für 3 Monate, genauer 90 Tage. In dieser Zeit profitiert Ihr bereits von den Rewards:
- 20% mehr Punkte
- Zimmerupgrades
- Late Checkout bis 14 Uhr
- Premium Internet und mehr
Erreicht Ihr innerhalb der 90 Tage nach Eurer Registrierung 10 Übernachtungen, so verlängert sich der Explorist Status bis zum Februar 2020. Bis dahin stehen Euch dann auch die 4 Pässe für den Zugang zur Clublounge zur Verfügung.
Noch interessanter sind jedoch die Vorteile für den GLOBALIST, also den höchsten Status. Dieser bietet Euch neben den Explorist Vorteilen zusätzlich:
- Late CheckOut bis 16 Uhr
- Upgrade auf das beste Zimmer inklusive der Standard Suiten
- Zugang zur Club Lounge bei jedem Aufenthalt

Hyatt Fast Track – so geht’s
Um dieVorteile zu nutzen, müsst Ihr nach dem Erreichen des Explorist innerhalb der 90 Tage, weitere 10 Nächte in Hyatt Hotels verbringen. Dann bekommt Ihr den Globalist Status ebenfalls bis 2020, also immerhin knapp anderthalb Jahre.
Zunächst einmal meldet Ihr Eich an. Seid Ihr noch nicht beim World of Hyatt Programm registriert, dann ist es nötig sich erst dort anzumelden und dann für die Challenge zu registrieren.
Die Registrierung ist offen bis 28. November 2018, ab Registrierung beginnt Euer persönlicher 90 Tage Zeitraum.
Dann braucht Ihr nur noch die Nächte. In Deutschland besitzt Hyatt mittlweile einige Häuser. Aber auch in unseren Nachbarländern oder überall sonst auf der Welt findet Ihr die passenden Häuser. Hier noch einige bereits von mir bewohnte. HYATT REVIEWS

Grand Hyatt Berlin (Review)
Hyatt Regency Düsseldorf
Hyatt Regency Mainz
Hyatt Regency Köln
Hyatt Place Frankfurt Airport (Review)
und bald das Andaz München
Review: Hyatt Place Frankfurt Airport – schönes und nagelneues Airporthotel
Noch einige Bedingungen im Detail:
Terms and ConditionsGeneral Terms: To qualify for this offer, World of Hyatt members must register between March 12, 2018, and November 28, 2018. Offer only valid for World of Hyatt members who are employed by an entity that has received an invitation from Hyatt for its employees to participate in this offer (any a “Qualifying Entity”). If you are not sure whether you work for a Qualifying Entity, check with your corporate travel manager. To participate, an eligible member must register with his or her valid email address issued by the Qualifying Entity (e.g., business email) through the dedicated offer-registration URL provided by Hyatt to the applicable Qualifying Entity. (If you need the URL, please ask your corporate travel manager.) Limit one offer per member. To earn credit towards this offer, member must check out of a reservation during his or her Explorist Trial Period or Qualification Period (each defined below), as applicable. If member checks into a reservation during his or her Explorist Trial Period or Qualification Period, but does not check out until after the Explorist Trial Period or Qualification Period has ended, (s)he will not earn credit towards this offer for any nights stayed as part of that reservation. Stays completed by member prior to the start of his or her Explorist Trial Period or Qualification Period will not count towards this offer (even if any night stayed otherwise qualifies as a “Tier-Qualifying Night” for purposes of the World of Hyatt program). Explorist Trial Period and Qualification Period begin at registration and may not be extended. Hyatt reserves the right to alter or withdraw this offer at any time without notice. This offer is subject to the complete terms and conditions of the World of Hyatt program, available at worldofhyatt.com/terms.
Explorist Trial: Upon registration, World of Hyatt members with standard membership or Discoverist status will receive a trial upgrade to Explorist status for 90 days (“Explorist Trial Period”). The trial will provide the member with the benefits of Explorist status, as set forth in the World of Hyatt program terms, provided that the member will not receive any Explorist Club Lounge Access Awards (as defined in the World of Hyatt program terms) or be eligible to tier match into Gold status with M life Rewards, the loyalty program of MGM Resorts International, as part of the trial. To maintain Explorist status through February 2020, member must complete at least ten (10) Tier-Qualifying Nights (as defined in the World of Hyatt program terms) at any participating Hyatt hotel or resort worldwide during his or her Explorist Trial Period. If member completes at least twenty (20) Tier-Qualifying Nights at any participating Hyatt hotel or resort worldwide during his or her Explorist Trial Period, member will receive Globalist status through February 2020. If member earns a new elite status through this offer, his/her new status will be applied within 7 business days of checkout of the stay during which (s)he completes the applicable requirement.
Globalist Quick-Qualify for Current Explorists: Upon registration, World of Hyatt members with Explorist status will have the opportunity to earn Globalist status through February 2020 by completing at least twenty (20) Tier-Qualifying Nights at any participating Hyatt hotel or resort worldwide within 90 days of registration. (This 90-day period is referred to as the member’s “Qualification Period.”) If member satisfies the above requirements during the Qualification Period, they will receive Globalist membership valid through February 2020. The offer will provide the member with the benefits of Globalist membership, provided that the member will not receive Complimentary Suite Upgrade Awards, a Category 1-7 Free Night Award or My Hyatt Concierge (as defined in the World of Hyatt program terms). His/her new status will be applied within 7 business days of checkout of the stay during which (s)he completes the offer requirements.