My time on the ground was way too long (more than 3 months, what a shame), so I’ve decided to join Sven on his flight from London Heathrow to Abu Dhabi spontaneously. Before American Airlines wants to devaluate their miles program, I took my chance and spent some miles (as Sven described here on Tuesday evening and flew on Thursday afternoon with the stunning Etihad’s First Class Apartment. So the time of anticipation was quite short for my first planned first class flight ever (got an upgrade to British Airways‘ First on SFO-LHR before).
I just want to describe my initial impressions now, a more detailed review of this flight will follow in the next couple of days.
So let’s start with the lounge in LHR. The welcome was nice, and the lounge was nearly empty because we arrived really early. But after some minutes, a friendly guy from the Six Sense Spa came to us for offering a complimentary massage. I couldn’t resist and took a 10 minutes shoulder treatment. That was great, relaxing in the middle of an airport, isolated from all the typical rush.
After a while, the boarding finally started. 2 years after the last flight with an A380 (no comments about the airline), I’m finally onboard again. So much space, so comfy and beautiful, it didn’t take much time until I got a bit sad that this flight will only be around 6.5 hours. Really, that’s definitely too short for this product.
Due to the spontaneous booking, I’ve (unfortunately) got the seat 5H which means aisle and next to the galley. The other apartments are bit better because they have more than one window and some of them can be opened to the neighbor – great if you’re not traveling alone – and have the seat next to the window. So in my opinion the sense of space is way better. But that’s complaining on a (very) high level.
During the flight I’ve enjoyed a delicious dinner, afternoon tea and a hot chocolate at the bar. Aaaaand I took my first shower above the clouds! To be honest: That’s unnecessary, the other 99,5 % of world population will survive without that, really. But that’s a freaking awesome feeling, I can’t describe that.
After a too short flight, we landed in Abu Dhabi, thanks to Etihad for this gorgeous product and memorable time. A detailed review will follow.
Über den Autor: Hallo ich bin Raphael Jasjukaitis und als Hobbyfotograf gerne unterwegs. Meine Webseite: